Monday, June 22, 2009

Our lastest project -The Trellis

I should start working in about 2 weeks so I thought I better get some of our big projects done before I'm working every day.

This is how our yard use to look.

As you can see our yard was all pool and concrete so we need to do some thing to get so green growing in our back yard

Once all the pices were cut shaped and drilled it took just over day to get it put together.

This is the final product. we sealer it today so it looks much nicer. We will try and update you all when we get some plants growing on it.


  1. Bud that is awesome! What are you going to plant? My favorite vine is Wisteria. It gets the prettiest most fragrant cluster of purple flowers in the spring. But it takes a few years to get going. You could do grapes and call it food storage:)

  2. Way to go bud. It looks great and you look awesome yourself. You are talented just like your father.
    It's nice to see your blogspot up and running.

  3. Welcome to the wonderful world of blogging!!! That looks amazing!!! Good to see you 2 :)
